AFAB - Distribution


Energy Plus Natural Whole Grain
Health Program
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Vital Steps to Health
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Help balance your body chemistry with Energy Plus-GR!  Help balance your body chemistry with Energy Plus-GR!

Energy Plus-GR: Is 100% pure grain product which has been milled using a cold rolled process to avoid exposure to electromagnetic radiation.



To provide quality products, each order is measured and mixed in small amounts as ordered subject to flavorings ordered.

Un-flavored Energy Plus-GR is to be used when you do not want to change the flavor of any food or drink.  It can be added to any food or drink in a ratio of 50% to the volume of food or drink and it will not change the taste. Test small amounts first: remember Energy Plus-GR quickly absorbs 9 times its weight in water and will result in thick gel like pudding.  

4 - 1-1/4 cups of  Un-flavored Energy Plus-GR - $49.95 including S&H

Item: 4C-UF-EP-GR

Flavored Energy Plus-GRCoCi: Is 100% pure grain product to which unsweetened Coco and Cinnamon have been added not only to add flavor to make a delicious gel pudding product, but also to enhance the benefits of consuming Energy Plus-GR.  For more information ABOUT the benefits of adding Coco and Cinnamon click: Benefits  

4 - 1-1/4 cups Flavored Energy Plus-GRCoCi - $56.95 including S&H
= 1 month supply for 1 person                                     

Item: 4C-F-EP-GR-CoCi


Flavored Energy Plus-GRCoCiCa: Is 100% pure grain product to which unsweetened Coco, Cinnamon and Cayenne have been added not only to add flavor to make a delicious gel pudding product, but also to enhance the benefits of consuming Energy Plus-GR.  For more information ABOUT the benefits of adding Coco, Cinnamon and Cayenne click: Benefits

4 - 1-1/4 cups Flavored Energy Plus-GRCoCiCa - $57.95 including S&H
 = 1 month supply for 1 person                                           

Item: 4C-F-EP-GR-CoCiCa














Copyright 2000  - AFAB Distribution
Friday October 15, 2010
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