AFAB -  Distribution

ENV-5oz ENV30IND PSI-PTC Charts ENV22 ENV502
AFAB Tools
134a FACT Sheet
Federal Warranty Laws
to contact us click: email

ENV Refrigerants are non-ozone depleting and completely safe for the environment!  ENV Refrigerants are non-ozone depleting and completely safe for the environment!


ENV5 - 12 Refrigerant in 5 oz CAN w/dye
NOT classified as a Hazardous material - therefore can be shipped by UPS with no HAZMAT charges

ENV Refrigerants are manufactured with 100% Natural Organic Materials

and are non-ozone
depleting products
which are
non- Global warming and completely safe for the environment.

ENV5 12 can be used  instead of R134a in all R134a A/C systems, including R134a installed in R12 Retrofitted systems, with energy savings of up to 40% over HFC-134a.

ENV Refrigerants are manufactured with only the Most Pure, Quality, and Refined ingredients available today.  ENV Refrigerants are lighter and more efficient than HFC and CFC products and therefore, you will use up to 30% less

 5 oz - ENV5 - 12 Refrigerant = 13.3 oz HFC134a and 15 oz R12 Substitutes.

We are sure you are aware of other companies that market hydrocarbons that contain the “rotten egg or sulfur odor”. This smell comes from the sulfur in a blend that is unrefined or from an additive called ‘mercaptin’ which some companies add for the odor itself. Mercaptin is made from sulfur. When sulfur is introduced to moisture, it becomes an acid.

Refrigerants are highly refined!  ENV Refrigerants do not contain the “rotten egg, sulfur, propane” odor.  We add a fresh “Pine Scent” to our refrigerant to assist consumers in leak detection.

ENV products that have been perfected over the years, and are now highly refined and computer blended to within 1/4 of 1%.  This means our ENV products are consistent each and every time our customers use them!

ENV products carry a guarantee that
Refrigerants will not harm air conditioning compressors or other related mechanical equipment when used in accordance with ENV directions.

There are many advantages to using ENV Refrigerants. They allow your systems to operate with less head pressure and are extremely efficient!  We have recorded energy savings of up to 40% over HFC-134a.  When installed in accordance with ENV directions, ENV 12 Refrigerants are capable of delivering energy savings and will result in a considerable reduction in operating costs!

ENV Refrigerants are installed as a liquid because they are 2/3 lighter than HFC and CFC products.  Read install instructions on cans and cylinders for liquid installation procedures.


In the event you pull a vacuum before installing ENV5 12, always release back to (0) before installing ENV5.

ENV Refrigerants are non-ozone depleting products and are completely safe for the environment.

To view PSI information for ENV5 - 12 Refrigerant click PSI-PTC

ENV5 - 12 Refrigerant conveniently comes in 5 oz CAN w/dye (Twelve cans per case)

ENV Refrigerants meet international standards such as—ISO 5149, BS 4434-1995, AS/NZS 1677 and ASHRAE 5149.


Item Number


1 - 9 case

10 +


















54.00 ea.






51.00 ea.

ENV Industrial 12 Refrigerant  is available in 6 oz cans and 30 lb Cylinders WHICH are subject to HAZMAT shipping charges.  Consult with your sales person for details about ENV Industrial 12 Refrigerant

ENV-5oz ENV30IND PSI-PTC Charts ENV22 ENV502
AFAB Tools
134a FACT Sheet
Federal Warranty Laws
to contact us click: email

Copyright 2005  - AFAB Distribution
Wednesday August 29, 2007 Dealer
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